Sustainable Markets
Development of Overseas markets
In the early 2000’s there were strong links developing that associated palm oil with deforestation, threats to species survival, environmental damage and severe social consequences. In response to this urgent and pressing global call for the production of sustainable palm oil, the Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) was formed in 2004. With the objective of promoting growth and use of sustainable oil palm products through a credible global standard, and engagement of stakeholders from all sectors of the palm oil industry:

Producers & Processors, Traders, Consumer goods manufacturers, Retailers, Banks, Investors, Environmental conservation NGO’s and Social or Developmental NGO’s.
The aim was to develop and implement a global standard for Sustainable Palm Oil.
This multi stakeholder approach developed a set of Principles and Criteria (with supporting Indicators) that the industry players could adhere to.
The Principle is the fundamental statement about the desired outcome, and the Criteria is the implementation of this principle, the means of judging whether or not the Principle has been fulfilled.
Univanich Palm Oil PLC, with it’s previously embedded sustainable and inclusive culture, became an early member of the RSPO, and the RSPO has now provided Univanich with a globally recognised and certifiable framework.
As a certified member of RSPO since 2013, Univanich engages in an annual audit and verification of the production process to the stringent RSPO Principles and Criteria for Sustainable Palm Oil Production by accredited Certifying Bodies.
RSPO Principles and Criteria Topics and Objectives
Criteria Topic
- Information and public availability
- Communication and consultation
- Commitment to ethical conduct
- Legal compliance
- Third party contractors legal
- Third party FFB legally sourced
- Long term plan and economic viability
Continuous - Improvement and Reporting
- Standard Operating Procedures
- SEIA and Plans
- System for managing human resources
- Occupational Health and Safety Plan
- Training
A sustainable, competitive and resilient palm oil sector ensures long term viability of the entire supply chain and shared benefits for both private sector as well as the livelihoods of communities where oil palm is grown. Effective planning and management system to address economic viability, environmental and social compliance and risk, establish procedures and systems for ensuring conformance to the RSPO P&C, and supports continuous improvement towards sustainable palm oil.
Criteria Topic
- Human Rights
- Complaints and Grievances
- Contribution to local sustainable development
- Land use and Free, Prior, Informed Consent (FPIC)
- Land use: Compensation
- Land use: Conflict
- Improved smallholder livelihoods
- Pay and working conditions
- No discrimination
- Freedom of association
- No child labour
- No harassment
- No forced or trafficked labour
- Safe working environment
Human rights protected, respected and remedied. The palm sector contributes to reducing poverty, and palm oil production is a source of sustainable livelihoods. Human rights are respected. People participate in processes that affect then with shared access and benefits. Everyone engaged in palm oil production has equal opportunities to fulfill their potential in work and community with dignity and equality and in a healthy working and living environment.
Criteria Topic
- Effective Integrated Pest Management
- Pesticide Usage
- Waste management
- Soil health fertility
- Soil Conservation (erosion and degradation)
- Soil surveys and topographic information
- Peat
- Water quality and quantity
- Energy use
- Pollution and GHG’s
- Fire
- HCV and HCS
Impact Goal: Conserved, protected and enhanced ecosystems that provided for the next generation. Ecosystems and their services are protected, restored and resilient, including through sustainable management of natural resources (sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse and degradation, halt biodiversity loss. Climate change is addressed through continuous GHG reduction and air and water pollution are controlled.

Univanich uses the RSPO Principles and Criteria as it’s foundation and guidance for its Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) platform, where we can demonstrate benchmarks and continuous improvement through the monitoring of key performance indicators with targets to highlight our sustainable and responsible growth, and mitigate our enterprise risk.
By supporting an adhering to the Principles and Criteria of RSPO, we are confident being able to market our Certified Sustainable Palm Oil both on the domestic and international markets.